Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Rest of the Story

Do you have a tendency to read the last chapter of a book first? Do you just want to know who committed the crime before you read how they did it? Do you like to eat your dessert before your main course?

Well, if you answered yes to any of those questions, will you please try to contain yourself just once and read this post one paragraph at a time, in order, without skipping to the bottom? Because, as you read it word by word, paragraph by paragraph, you will see that the entire post could be summed up in the last sentence!

So, don’t cheat!

Vladimir Rasimov passed out and fell asleep between the tracks as he took a short cut home after going out with some friends.

The train driver saw somebody on the line and braked sharply. When rescuers tried to pull the sleeping from underneath the carriages the man was still sleeping. Unfortunately, the rescuers couldn’t reach the sleeping man under the train. So, the train had to move forward until they could reach him.

Train driver Vladimir (does any one in Russia have a different name?) Slabiy said: “I saw a man lying between the tracks and tried to stop, but it was too late. The train went right over him and I thought he must have been killed. But when I got out and checked he was still lying there fast asleep. If he had woken up from the noise of the train he would have lifted his head and been hit by the undercarriage and that would have been the end of him.”

And, here’s the conclusion to the entire post: “It was lucky he was so drunk.”


  1. Ok so friends of mine were in a car accident on the night of their high school graduation. The police officer at the scene told their parents that they were "lucky" they were so drunk or they may have been killed. Because they were so drunk they didn't react to the accident. They were like rubber on impact and so their bodies didn't stiffen which may have caused their necks or backs to break. Since they were wet drunk noodles they lived. Or so the story goes.


  2. Finally a good use for all that Vodka! It keeps you asleep on the tracks instead of waking up to have you decapitated!

    My goodness!

  3. Sad commentary for sure. I was so drunk that I didn't get decapitated or dragged down the tracks.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.