Monday, August 25, 2008

A Burning Question

Blogger friend Kevin is regularly showing strange pictures of Jesus or the Virgin Mary or other religious figures that have appeared in unusual places. (Kevin, sorry if I missed you showing this one!)

In the picture above, Veronica Dennis stares at what many people believe is a likeness of the Virgin Mary in her fire-damaged home in Mexico.

I don't know what the image really is. But, if I were Ms. Dennis, I think I'd have a beef with the Virgin Mary. My house burns and Mary did nothing to stop it from burning? I think if I had been Ms. Dennis, I would rather have had my house unburned instead of an image on the wall.

What do you think?


  1. What do I think? I think people need to get a life. How do people know what Jesus or the Virgin Mary looked like?

  2. What do I think? I think people need to get a life. How do people know what Jesus or the Virgin Mary looked like?

  3. I think I had to think about whose blog I was reading in order to think how I was going to think about responding.

  4. Camey...I want to be like Kevin when I grow up!

  5. Kevin might have some more growing to do first. I may be wrong but I think you're already taller. He has more hair by at least a head.. er on top of the head.. but I'm betting you're taller.

    Be like Kevin? Like coffee that much do ya?

  6. Kevin will have to disclose how tall he is...

    As far as hair grow it where you can! My let go on top starting when I was about 20 or so...the combover wasn't a good off it, I'm just bald and proud!

  7. Good for you on being just bald and proud of it! I see plenty of combovers on a daily basis. (heavy retirement area) Not good on most. Denial is the primary factor. Some of my favorite peeps are bald.

  8. Kevins got me beat...I'm only 5'10 1/2"'s all that hair Kevin has! If I had that, we'd be the same height!

  9. OH that's hilarious! I guess because Kevin is sitting most of the time in pics/vids - he seems shorter than you Steve.

    I'm thinking that's where Kevin might be like my hubby (aka Brother G)... lots of hair products to make it fuller.

  10. I thought the thing in the picture was a big penguin, until I read your post.

  11. Karma...I thought, at first, that it was the mysterious writer of the quote on your husband's site...that no one can guess!

  12. My big question would be,

    "Why does the Blessed Virgin Mary always show up in Mexico?"

    Does she not like the rest of us?

  13. Oh yea, I was also going to say, that "combovers" drive me crazy, especially when the wind blows the "wrong" way. aaarrghgh. If your hair is departing, let it go already.

  14. Man, you guys have some weird convos. Hair combovers when we have a really serious spiritual issue here? I mean, the virgin M appears in a burnt out house and no one seems to care? Maybe if she had a St. Michael her house would not have burnt. Is he not the one who protects drivers?

    As for me...I am 6'5" and weigh 200 (solid muscle...cough cough) Ahhh but no hair! I had a high forehead (from using my brain so much) in about 6th grade and it went downhill or is that disappearing after that. I tried perms. I tried longer hair (no combovers though). I tried parting it down the middle. When I realized it was a losing cause any way around I started shaving it close. I do not yet have a complete bald head because my wife is not yet ready for that. I use no shampoo or cream rinse or brush or comb. You gals ought to try saves money. In some cases, tons of it. So not more getting on me and Steve.

  15. Phil: I've been wondering that too.

    Michael: "Mary looks pretty thick?" That was funny.

    Karma: Given the fact that people are legal to drive golf carts on our streets - lots of hair flying the wrong way. It just ain't right I tell you. I'm gonna have to quote you on "if your hair is departing, let it go already." That's definitely quote worthy.

    Bill: I don't know about where you are.. but here in Texas.. hair can be a real Spiritual issue. My hair is discussed more times than I care to know about.. No, seriously. I told a lady not long ago if she can show me in the Bible where it says that all women 40 and over need to have their hair cut at their ears and it be dyed black to cover the grays - I would go for it. No response from her yet.

  16. You know...I think I'll just stay out of the conversation and let you guys just talk among yourselves...You are doing great! Let the conversation begin...

    And who knows...maybe I'll write more about combovers in the near future...

    That should bring much conversation to the blog...

  17. Camey, around here it is the opposite. My MIL, and many of the older generation, believe that short on a woman hair is sinful, and people should be content with whatever color it is, be it gray, blue, brown, or polka dots.

  18. I kind of like the skunk know, mostly black on the sides and gray down the middle...that's a great look and good justification for hair coloring! I say that if God never intended for people to dry their hair, He would never have allowed it to be invented!

  19. My younger sister has a spot "front and center" that has gone gray before the rest of her head. (She is a whooping 28 years old). Looking closely, I see that I have the same "pattern."

    Fortunately, my hair color is such that until I have a LOT of gray, it isn't really noticeable. So, I've probably got a few years before I look like a brown and white skunk.

  20. I had to look really hard because it looked like a bottle of wine to me.


  21. Karma...I have no doubt that Mr. Bernard will love you not matter what color your hair is or if your hair falls out...

  22. Heidi...I hadn't notice that...but I think you are correct!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.