Monday, August 4, 2008

Where Oh Where Did My Little Nose Go?

Okay, there will be a repeated theme to this news story out of Iowa City, Iowa—alcohol. Why are so many stories that have that repeated theme in them?

“The driver was under the influence of alcohol.”

“The fight broke out between two people under the influence of alcohol.”

“The man jumped off the bridge after a night of drinking alcohol.”

See the pattern developing?

Well, here’s the latest alcohol-related story.

It seems that an alcohol-fueled argument between two friends degenerated into a fight in which one man bit off the other man’s nose. Donroy Merrival was charged with willful injury stemming from the July 24 fight.

Authorities said Mr. Merrival (pictured above) was drinking (alcohol) with another man when they started arguing and the other man hit him with a shovel. They say Merrival responded by biting off the man’s nose and part of his lip. “He’s a heavy drinker (alcohol) and sometimes when he drinks (alcohol) he changes and gets real nasty,” the injured man, Matthew Osing, said.

Mr. Osing acknowledged hitting Merrival with a shovel, saying, “He was crouched down ready to pounce on me and he was scaring me. ... He jumped up and grabbed me by my face and grabbed my nose and bit it off.”

The nose was not recovered but police say Merrival didn’t think he swallowed it. “I don’t know if he swallowed it or if my dogs might have eaten it, I don’t know,” Osing said.

Folks, I’ve got a great idea. Rather than showing the beautiful, blonde bombshells on the beer commercials, or the racing car drivers, or even those gorgeous horses, let’s put Mr. Merrival and Mr. Osing’s photos on those commercials!

There is such a thing as truth in advertising, right?

Be honest! Which one are you likely to meet up with after a drunken-binge—a beautiful, blonde bombshell on the arms of a race car driver riding a gorgeous horse? Or, are you more than likely going to meet up with a man who has his nose bitten off?

Care to offer a guess?


  1. Sheesh! Shades of Mike Tyson and infamous ear-biting incident. Evander can now look in the mirror and have a constant reminder of Mike gone nuts. Now Mr. Osing can also. What a legacy to leave to children and grandchildren. "Hey gramps. What happened to your face?" Question: how will he breathe? Blow his...uhhhh... nose?

    You do, however, pose a good scenario. Perhaps they also need to do with smokers. Have someone wracked with cancer, having to smoke out of a hole in his throat...Would people listen anyway?

  2. If any company did a reality commercial it would get a lot of laughs. It would seem like a joke. People would think it was funny. It wouldn't change a thing. Plus, everyone knows the fantasy they see in beer commercials is just a glimpse into the world of beer goggles. Cuz everyone is beautiful, rich, famous, and has horses when they're drunk. It's the next morning when the buzz wears off that reality strikes. You see the girl you just slept with is hideous, you don't have any money, you aren't famous (that was just karaoke night at the bar -- you are not a rock star), and your "horse" is a beat up old Chevy.

    Heidi Reed

  3. Who was it, the Marboro man who came out against cigarettes after doing years and years of commericals. Not sure that really helped...especially when you had Joe Camel going after 10 year olds! Oh, sorry, they don't target children...and neither does McDonald's with their Happy Meals!

  4. Heidi...sadly, I think you are probably right. We tend to want to see what we want to see...not what the truth really is.

    The morning after has shocked many bad that shock rarely lasts.

  5. For some of the people that I know that drink heavily and regularly, their life is so bad that sobering up isn't that tremendous a change. :( Unfortunately, the hangover just compounds the problem(s) they were trying to escape when drinking.

  6. Good point Karma...I had not thought of that!

  7. Boy, Steve! You sure have a "nose" for the news!

  8. At least you didn't say that I was sticking my nose where it didn't belong...


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.