Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Upon this Lego, I Build My Church

It appears that many leaders in the church have gone about building their church in the wrong way. Or, at least that's what this Lutheran pastor seems to think.

What do you think? Going to change how you build your church?


  1. I like the guys creativity! At first I began thinking, "what a waste of time!" but then realized that I spend a whole lot of time in the winter building jigsaw puzzles and riding my bike year around. Both are stress reducers. I reckon the correct phrase is "whatever floats your boat." But...does he get to count that people in his 2nd church as attendees? That would be quite a "jack" in weekly attendance.

  2. I, too, like his creativity. I collect sports cards, well, in truth, baseball cards! I love spending hours doing that. I've found that all of us, in ministry or out, need to find those things that lower our stress level and allow us to refocus.

    I'm glad you have your puzzles and bike!

  3. Too many pastors, I think, tie their worth to the "success" of their church numbers. They then get stressed to the max. I try to remind myself my worth is tied to Christ and not numbers.

  4. I totally agree with what you have said here Bill...but, at the same time, I know firsthand of the struggles you've described!

  5. Like cycleguy, my first thought was "What a waste of time." But, you know what, if we never have "downtime" we become totally anal and not a lot of fun to be with.

    I will now go buy huge lego sets for all the preachers I know. :0


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.