(Click on photo to enlarge)This past Saturday, my wife, son, and I went to visit my parents. It was a good visit and Evan (our son) seemed to have a great time. Why wouldn't you, if you have four people instead of just the normal two people, doting on you every minute you are awake.
On our way home, we passed a famous (at least in our parts of the world) sign. The sign, or a variation of it has been on the side of I-65 for years. The sign (shown above) is on private property, between the interstate and a beautiful lake (oh, how I would love to fish in that lake!)
Anyway, when a person first passes the sign, they may or may not fully grasp what the sign says. Look at the picture again. The sign's words are these: "Go to church or the devil will get you." On the sign, you see the devil (all red with horns, holding his pitch fork). Yes, all of the sterotypes of the devil you've ever seen all on one sign.
I've seen that sign hundreds of times. I passed it hundreds of times while I was in college, driving back from Birmingham to my hometown. I've passed it hundreds of other times as I have gone back to visit my parents.
Now, here's the question for you: Is the sign accurate? If we don't go to church, will the devil really get us? How are church attendance and the devil related? Are they related?
Well, in my many journeys down Interstate 65, and as I've passed that sign hundreds and hundreds of times, I've come to the conclusion that the sign is 100% incorrect! Church attendance doesn't lead to salvation nor does forsaking it lead to damnation in hell. In other words, you can go to church and the devil can still get you or you can stay away from church and not be "gotten" by the devil. Church attendance does not insure our right standing with God.
Still with me? Think I am being unspiritual or evil in my theology? Well, I hope you are still with me and I really hope you don't think I am being unspiritual or evil.
Let's think about what that sign portrays. The sign is negative in its message. Basically, the sign's owner "preaches" a message that paints an incorrect message about what it takes to avoid hell and satan and eternal damnation. His viewpoint is that going to church provides escape or salvation from hell.
That simply isn't true. Church does not save us. Church does not bring us into a correct relationship with God. Church doesn't even keep us from the devil.
How can I know for certain? Well, two ways. Let me start with a personal illustration. Until I reached 15 years old, I was living a life away from Christ. There was not a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Oh, I was fairly good. I attended church regularly. As a matter of fact, I received an award for not missing Bible Study for over four years! Four years, I never missed church. But, at no point in those four years did I have a personal relationship with Jesus.
In Baptist circles, we would describe that as being lost! However, on March 4, 1976, as I sat in church, I heard basically the same message I had always heard, but on that day, it made sense. I got it! I knew I was lost and that I needed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. On that winter morning, I committed my life to Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.
And guess what? From that moment to this, my salvation has been in Jesus Christ. Again, to use a Baptist term, I'm saved! I'm redeemed! I'm forgiven of my sins! Other than being in church that day, church had nothing to do with my salvation experience--my salvation experience happened because of Jesus Christ and my acceptance of Him! In that regard, church did not bring salvation. Jesus Christ brought salvation!
That's the personal illustration, now let me turn to what the Bible says, this part matters far more than what I said anyway. In John 3:16, Jesus said, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but receive eternal life." Did you notice? Church isn't mentioned anywhere in there! How do we escape the snares of satan? Simple: believing in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
One more verse. In John14:6, Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but through Me." How do we reach heaven? How do we receive eternal life? Again, simple: a relationship with Jesus Christ!
So, friend, the next time you are driving on I-65, near Prattville, Alabama, slow up just a little. If you are driving South, the sign will be on your left. (So, obviously, if you are driving North, the sign will be on your right :) ). Notice the sign. And as you do, remember, the sign is 100% incorrect! Period! Wrong. Incorrect. Inaccurate. False! No where close to being true.
Church, going or not, will not lead you to or away from the devil and hell. Only Jesus Christ guarantees eternal life. Only Jesus!
Now, once you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, church is a pretty good place to be! After all, satan really hates it when we worship God, sing His praises, pray to our Heavenly Father, and give our tithes and offerings. Oh, how he hates that!