Friday, September 12, 2008

Was Obama Flip in His Answer?

I want to ask a question, not really trying to stir the pot in any way, and not trying to make this blog political; however, in this election year in particular, I think we will continue to see situations like this, and I’d really like to know how you handle it.

Here’s the situation. Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama acknowledged this past Sunday that he was probably too flip when he said it was “above my pay grade” to answer a question about when is a baby entitled to human rights.

You remember the setting. Senator Obama gave his answer last month at a nationally televised religious forum sponsored by Rick Warren at his church in Orange County, California.

Asked on ABC’s “This Week,” whether the “above my pay grade” answer was too flip, Obama said: “Probably....What I intended to say is that, as a Christian, I have a lot of humility about understanding when does the soul enter into ... It’s a pretty tough question. And so, all I meant to communicate was that I don’t presume to be able to answer these kinds of theological questions.”

So, here’s my dilemma. Which answer should I believe? Was his answer to Rick Warren his real answer? Or, was his answer on “This Week” more genuine? Or, was his answer this week simply the one framed by his handlers and advisors?

I’m seriously struggling to understand this. I’m not interested in bashing Senator Obama or his campaign. But, as a Christian, how do I make heads or tails of his initial response vs. this response?

Or, even if I remove being a Christian from the equation, how do I understand this as a voting citizen?


  1. Spin docctors at work is all I am going to say. Either case...he is wrong. Life begins at conception.

  2. By 8 weeks gestation a child has all of the organs and such that he or she will need to function outside of the womb. The heart beats by 6 weeks. I have seen it three times on ultrasound -- my Brianna, my angel baby, and my currently unborn child all had a hb by 6 weeks -- Jeremy may have too, but I didn't get the pleasure of viewing him in utero until he was 9+ weeks. By then, he was kicking and squirming all over the place -- I just couldn't feel it yet.

    The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I believe it. The more I study anatomy and the wonders and intricacies of our bodies the more in awe of God I truly am. Our bones are stronger than steel, yet so very light in comparison. Our skin. Our nervous system. Our brains. We are miracle machines.

    Sen Obama's voting record is highly liberal. I've stated on here before that he thinks it's perfectly OK to abort a baby. Not just abort -- but to stick a sharp metal object into the back of its head and suck its brains out while its body dangles from its mother's womb. When a partial birth abortion is performed (which is illegal now thank God) some of the children murdered could have lived outside of the womb. The pregnancies were far enough along.

    Abortion is murder of babies. Babies that are fearfully and wonderfully made. Babies who God knew before they were conceived. When do they have a soul? Sounds to me like God gives us all souls before we're physically conceived. What right to *we* have to murder the most helpless of all creatures?

    Know what I've never understood? People who murder pregnant women can also be charged in the murder of their unborn babies. Interesting. Is it because the mother wanted that child? Where is the line drawn? Why can a person be charged with murder of an unborn baby when his/her mother is murdered, but an abortionist is never charged with murder? I don't get it.

    I will NEVER vote for anyone who approves of abortion. NEVER!! He or she can spin it however they want to. Won't work for me. Ever! I am passionate about that.

    Heidi Reed

  3. Senator Obama is a fine man. And I believe that he was very genuine and honest in both answers.

    But we must remember, we are electing a President, not a Pastor.

    And yes, I'm planning to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket--barring any major screwups in the next month and a half.

  4. He is a politician. I would suspect his latter answer to be more accurate, maybe. I've often said things, then recanted or redefined when I've thought about it. However, I would think that would have been a question that would have been expected on the forum.

    It is a tough question for a politician.

    It isn't for me. I do not believe that life begins at conception. (keep reading). Death cannot begat life. Therefore, life begins before conception. Everything has to be living and healthy for a baby to be formed.

  5. Heidi...thanks for sharing your comments and your passion. I really appreciate the thought you have put into this discussion and issue.

  6. Phil...if I implied that Senator Obama isn't a fine man, not honest or genuine, I certainly didn't mean to imply that.

    The heart of my question came at the end of the blog post: How do I understand his admitted flippant answer? He said he was flip. I did not say that. My question was and is, how do I (either as a Christian or not) deal with flip answers by politicans or changes in their statements, only to garner more votes? Both sides have done that way too often to suit my taste.

    And, I for one, am glad that we aren't electing a pastor. The standard for being pastor is far higher than for being president.

  7. Karma...that's an interesting description of when life begins. I don't think I've ever heard that before...and will need some time to chew on what you've said.

    Others...please feel free to comment on that comment.

  8. Obama knew the nation was watching this interview. He knew the questions to be asked of him. I'm sorry folks but that is the TRUE answer from the man himself. Without anyone turning and twisting it around. Sad but true.

    When watching this I could not believe an intelligent person would answer one of the key questions of his career so senselessly and flippant.

    The next two days after seeing this I sat in a swather cutting hay without a radio to distract my thoughts. I was not bored one minute those days!! (Hayfields can be very boring)

  9. Steve and Karma, Psalm 139:16 (NLT)
    16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

    We were more than just a gleam in our parent's eyes. We were in God's eyes, his care and his plans long before conception. We must always honor life, from the time that our minds can conceive it (conception)or even before that time in faith.

  10. Kath...thanks for commenting...I'm glad you have found a great way to work out your stress...Not sure I'd pick cutting hay...just too hot in Alabama to do that! :)

  11. Paul...thanks for stopping by and commenting...You are welcome any time.

  12. Steve, being I am not running for President I have to stay with what makes my dollar!! haha

  13. Hi Steve - I've been lurking on your blog for awhile now. Got it off someone else's blog, but can't remember who or exactly when either - it's been a few months now.

    I'm from Canada and watching your election very, very closely - as I have the last couple ones too.

    One of the things I really love and appreciate about Americans is that the life issue is still very much a HUGE issue in your country -GOOD - it should be!!!!

    Please don't EVER shy away from being too political on your blog or stirring up controversy - the alternative is to 'politely' sit back and do nothing in the fear of stepping on peoples' sensitive toes. The result of that? Look to your neighbors to the North (Canada), that's exactly what we've been doing and now we have a HUGE abortion rate here and it keeps rising. Legal advocacy groups are trying to overturn our legalized abortion with no hope in sight - we keep getting turned down by our Supreme Court. The fight is not over yet - but it is pretty dreary, if not, hopeless . . .

    Obama has a wonderful, compelling life story. For the most part I genuinely like the guy, but he has an atrocious voting record when it comes to abortion. This guy has voted FOR any kind of abortion that's out there - even infanticide.

    No, you're not voting for a Pastor, but you should be voting for a decent human being who at the very least should have the guts and decency to stand up for the most vulnerable and prevent this holocaust of little people being brutally murdered every single day in your country!

    What kind of a person are you really, if you don't value the most important thing in life - LIFE itself?

    All of you - do what you can to stand up for those precious little people that have no voice. Be the voice for them by going out there and voting!!!!

    Sorry for the novel Steve, but I had to post this time . . .

    Love your blog!

    - Sandie

  14. Steve,

    I agree with Bill's comment. Spin doctors at work.

  15. Sandie...thanks for lurking and now are always welcome here!

    You know, as I read your comments, I felt a little ashamed of us Americans. Unfortunately, you sounds as if you know more about our politics than many of us do!

    I regularly pray for Canadians. My mother-in-law is Canadian--she's from the Atlantic side...has lived in our country since she was 18, but maintains her citizenship.

    Your words are very wise! Your words are dead on target...

    Life is too important an issue to leave to someone who thinks it is below his paygrade!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.