Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday's Question of the Day

Take a few minutes to think about this question, well, in truth, there are two questions for today:

1) Do we see Christ in others?

2) Do others see Christ in us?


  1. I like these simple posts.

    1) I don't have to read a lot.
    2) They ask important questions.

    I do see God in some others. I take mental notes of their habits and traits so that I can better myself. I just wish I saw God in more people I see at school. It would make work so much easier.

    As per your second question, I would like to think so. Often my day begins with my praying that others see Him in me. I just want to be so in tune with God that people will ask me things like: "why are you so happy all the time" or "how do you have the wisdom to make that decision". Unfortunately, I am far from that point. :(

  2. Great questions! I am always seeing Christ in others when I'm in a balanced, open minded place. It's crazy when you ask Him into your life how the colors and hues of the world really start to show themselves. Maybe because I'm a new believer it's still fresh with me and I'm looking for it with more fervor, I don't know.

    Christ in me? I think so, more and more. My heart is so tuned now to being a servant, whether it's at work or in life, that I hope people are wondering, "What's up with that guy?" Of course, I can revert back to old, selfish, self centered bub at the drop of a hat. Sigh. I guess I'm only human. Thanks for the questions, good things to ponder and look for.

  3. Steve,

    Good questions!

    1) Yes. I notice Christ in others on a daily basis.

    2) I hope they not only see Christ in me, but want to come closer to Him (whether or not to me doesn't matter) as a result and not run the other direction. Hopefully, that makes sense...

  4. Michael...for the next few days, around 11:45 AM (Central Time), I plan to post a question of the day...short, sweet, to the point...Glad you like that format.

  5. 1) Yes and I'm drawn to them
    2) I sure hope so. However, I have my moments. I try to be acutely aware of Who I represent whenever I am out and about. I could use a little more of that self-control at home.

    Heidi Reed

  6. Bub...thanks for coming back after your first visit! Heck, I get people in here all the time that visit once and they are done! So, a repeat visitor...I'm impressed!

    Loved your response...and please know, I am praying for you today and your journey with the King. It is a great journey...but can be a difficult ride at times...hold on to Him!

  7. Camey...great to see you today...you are right...it's all about Him...and nothing about us!

    Keep pointing others to Him...

    Folks, if you haven't yet read Camey's site...follow her link above. You will not be disappointed!

  8. Heidi...I doubt you are the only one who struggles with self-control at home...not sure why that's such a struggle!

  9. Bub,

    You were just prayed for... again. Thankful you made your way to Steve's place.




Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.