Thursday, September 24, 2009

Celebration--100 Words


What causes you to celebrate?

I’m not talking about a smile where the corners of your lips slightly curl.

I’m talking about not caring who sees you jumping for joy, screaming like a 7-year-old child who’s about to go to Disney World for the first time, or a high school senior who’s been accepted to the college of her choice.

What causes you to celebrate like that?

A child’s birth. A good report after surgery. Keeping your job when layouts take place.

Oh, what’s that? You aren’t celebrating.

Celebration is a choice.

Decide today what your attitude will be.


  1. I celebrate a lot of things. I celebrate when my wife is talking to our grandson and puts him on speaker phone and when I say, "hi Braden!" he says, "ohh its grandpa!" I climbed the same hill twice yesterday on my bike. I celebrated by not dying. :) Actually i felt very good about being able to do it. I have so much to celebrate and to be grateful for.

  2. Bill...I am so glad your health is coming back! Two hills in one day...that's an improvement!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.