Saturday, June 21, 2008

On Second Thought, Don't Honk If You Love Jesus!

I probably do a few things that cause people some concern or make them angry. Let me give you a few examples.

I love to read various blogs. As a small part of my job (at least I like to claim that is what they want me to do), I read blogs from various places, mainly preacher-type blogs or denominationally-related blogs. I know how these many of preacher-types and denominational-types are. They watch their sites like hawks. They have on their site Google Analytics or Site Meter or one of the other site monitors (just like I do). These folks regularly watch who visits their site, for how long, and how they came to their site and leave their site. [Disclaimer: not all blog-owners and writers do this! And, those are the blogs I most often visit and enjoy!]

I could say that I don’t know why preacher-types and denominational-types do this monitoring, but I would be lying if I said that. I know why they do it! They do to see who is seeing them and their work and who believe they can comment anonymously on their blog.

Trust me, there’s nothing anonymous on a blog! On a few rare occasions, I’ve even had someone comment about where I work or where I live, or what I do—trying to remind me of my PLACE in THEIR world and that I have no business even visiting their site. Or, at least that’s the way they come across.

So, I suppose you could say I do something out of meanness (hopefully, that’s not the case, but at times it could be), I often will visit a very “conservative” blog site and then visit a very “liberal” blog site, knowing that my entering and leaving is closely monitored by these folks. You know, I would love to be sitting in their office or living room and watch their expression when they wonder, “Why in the world would someone visit my site after visiting THAT site?” I know they do it! And, I know it at least makes them think for a few minutes about my entering and leaving. If they want to remind me of my place, fine. I can still play with their mind a little. How terrible is that?

Another thing I do that can drive people crazy is this: if they have a bumper sticker that says, “Honk If You Love Jesus!”, I always do! I’ll never forget one time I did that. I came up behind a stopped car at red light. It was one of those older model Volkswagons. Right there on the back of their bumper was that sticker! I couldn’t resist. So, I began honking the honk. Not once. Not twice. But three times. When the light turned green, we began taking off. The older car couldn’t climb the hill very well, so I started passing him on the left. As I did, I glanced over to smile at the driver, to give him one of those “I love you brother in Jesus looks!” knowing that he was a fellow believer. I was not prepared for what he gave me back. He gave me a one-finger salute! And trust me, he wasn’t pointing me toward heaven! Somehow along the way, his personal witnessing bumper sticker and his one-finger salute didn’t match up.

There have been a few times in life when I have paid for a part of a person’s bill that is in line behind me. It has been a while since I have done that. But, talk about fun! Most of the time, it has been what appears to be a single mother, with several children, all screaming for her attention or for her to buy them something. Obviously, the mother is at the end of her wits and just needs a break. So, I’ll just hand the cashier a $10 bill and say, “Please apply this to the next person’s bill.” Well, the cashier nearly falls out in disbelief. I wish I knew how the next person in line feels, I never know because I don’t stay around to watch. I want it to be shock, to be anonymous, to be a blessing to their day—who cares what the source is, it’s just a blessing for them.

Many years ago, I used to send people congratulation letters. What’s the big deal about that? Well, I had never met any of those folks. I would watch the paper for people doing something neat or something to help someone or getting a promotion at work. I would send them a handwritten note, praising their action or their accomplishment. That’s it. Just a note to say, “Hey, someone noticed what you did! And I celebrate in you!”

You will not believe the reaction I got to those letters! People would literally call me up and say, “Do I know you?” Or, “Why would you do such a thing?” Normally, I just said, “I appreciate you and thought you’d like to know that someone does!” That was generally the end of the conversation, because the person who was calling me rarely could say anything after that! They had never been praised by a complete stranger!

What are some of the things you do that might cause concern or make people stop in their tracks, wondering why you did what you did?

Got any examples you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them. And, I promise not to track down your IP Address or anything. I’d just be glad to hear your comments! Honest!


  1. Once I was in a cell phone store and had to wait for the agent. Ahead of me was a lady in "christian biker colors" and emblems all over her jacket. She was with an older lady who was obviously having trouble understanding what the agent was saying. He was patient. The lady in colors was not. She was inpatient, rude and short with the lady and used so vulgarity. When she left i wanted to follow her out and say, "thanks for making my job harder." My thoughts: "Don't live it don't advertise."

  2. I guess that is the same as preachers who have a 50 inch waist going back for their fourth plate at the all you can eat buffet? I guess that is the same as the Christian who drives like Jeff Gordon, then blames the police officer for setting a speed trap!

    That's why I keep a fish emblem on the back bumper of my car--not so much as a witness to others, but as a reminder to me that I should be a good witness, no matter what I am doing!

  3. I have a better idea! Rather than the fish symbol how about a clergy sticker! That always get the blood flowing in people. I do agree with you on perceptions people have of pastors especially. I always wondered how someone with a 50" waist could talk about self-control.

  4. Personally, I never cared for the clergy sticker, unless it helped me park up close when I visited the hospitals...and free, to boot! Why else have such a sticker?

  5. Why else for sure! I never have and never will have one. Handicapped thingy someday I suspect but not a clergy sticker. :)

  6. Well, if you keep cycling and not taking care of your back, yes you will...I'd say relax...sit on the TV a little more...and of course, eat more Mayo!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.