Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday's Question of the Day

Take a moment to think about yourself. What words come to mind that describe who you are?


  1. Committed to my family. Advocate for my children. Addicted to my husband. Walking the walk for Christ -- authentic and flawed to the bone, but in love with Him and His gift of grace and salvation. Fun, funny, sarcastic, short, and cute as a button. ;)

    Heidi Reed

    PS: answer your own question

  2. WOW what a loaded question Steve. So if I put humble it won't work? :) I am first a Christ-follower (a wanttabe sold out one). Lover of my bride. Supporter of my now grown children. Funny granpa. Concerned loving shepherd. Faithful friend. Funny, easily amused, humorous, compassionate, all around great guy (that is my humble opinion) :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.