Sunday, August 17, 2008

Still Trying to Make That One Person Smile

As I predicted, ONE of you didn't smile at the last video post. So, let's try again today. After all, it is the Lord's Day and He created it for us. So, relax, prop your feet up, watch this video. And, yes, smile!


  1. LOLOLOL!!

    My kids would love to have his pennies.


  2. I would love to have his pennies!

    Glad you laughed...Enjoy your celebration of the Lord's Day!

    I'll be praying for you and your family today!

  3. Good Stuff, Steve!

    (sometimes, my kids pay for stuff in pennies, nickels and dimes; that's how they save)

  4. What? I did too smile! Oh wait, maybe I am being paranoid. Do I need to sing a round of "i bet you think this post is about you, don't you..."(grin) Hey! I think I just caught something interesting this time around! Is OfficeMax really selling back to school supplies for just a penny an item? No layering! That's my shtick. (grin)

  5. Jimmy...for once in your are innocent...

    And, yes, Office Max is actually selling back to school supplies for a penny. The catch? You can only buy like 5 of each item! Still, not a bad deal if you need erasers! I'm regularly needing erasers and liquid paper to make changes on my computer screen!

  6. Thanks Steve. Looks like on all models we're going to just get tropical storms. Which is no small thing, but it's definitely not as bad as a hurricane. Thank you so much for the prayers.

    Going to WalMart to get some jugs of water. Gotta pick up the toys in the backyard before they become flying objects of destruction. :)


  7. Been through several hurricanes myself...don't let anyone fool you, a tropical storm with only 70 mile per hour winds...ain't a piece of chocolate cake!

  8. Oh I know. We stayed home for Wilma in 2005. I was pregnant. Brianna had just turned 1. It was horrible.



Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.