Saturday, August 9, 2008

Herding Church Members

This post is for all of my blogger/preacher friends...

Trust me...I understand...

Have a great day as you prepare for tomorrow's round-up.


  1. I don't know about you Steverino. Personally, I would have trouble herding cats. The only good know the drill. Thanks for levity this morning but I want to know where they got all them stupid cats. I know they didn't raid my house.

  2. Wait. God compared us to sheep, right? :)

    You're right, Steve. It is like herding cats. For youth ministers, its even tougher.

  3. I'm not a huge cats fan either...and thankfully, neither is my wife.

    All I can hope is that once they rounded them all us, they left them out in the wilderness to fend for themselves!

    Tony: AMEN! That's why you rarely see older youth ministers!

  4. hehehehehehhehe
    I teach the Preschool/Elementary class.

    I can relate!!!

  5. Dave...thanks for dropping by...hope you'll come back again soon!

  6. Oh, Brother G/I can totally relate!

    As for cats? We used to have two.. One got stolen and the other had to be put to sleep to end a slow death. No, seriously...

    Oh.. and for those not in the know.. Brother G is a preacher on top of all the other labels he has.

  7. We used to show that at our missions leadership conferences!

    No fun at all.

  8. Camey...sounds like it may be time for another cat. Cat people can't resist their soft purr and individual ways...

  9. Rick...surely missionaries weren't like long-tailed cats...I've never heard any such thing! I thought all missionaries were obedient, servants, who loved Jesus and each other all the time! Are you letting the curtain down?

  10. Cute video, but wow! If this is what pastors really feel about Sunday's then I think we've missed the mark on what "the Church" is truly all about....

  11. Chelsey...not all pastors feel that way all the time...but, in truth, being a pastor is the toughest job in the entire world...only by the grace of God can they do it...


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.