Sunday, July 27, 2008

Two Blogger Friends

Not long after I started blogging, I came across Bill the Cycleguy. (Take a little bit of time to check out his Web site--he always has great ideas and observations! Just don't forget to come back to my site!). We've had some good bantering back and forth, disagreeing over our favorite sports' teams. However, one thing (among many) that we share is our love for the Lord Jesus Christ! He has forgiven our sins! And, He has loved us, even though neither of us really deserve it. We also both love our brides more than words can express.

Not too long ago, Bill and I had the opportunity to get together for the day. The picture above shows us very early in the morning, before we've had our first diet, decaf Dr. Pepper.

I wish I could say that the photos from later in the day looked better, but, this is about as good as it gets! So, I'll spare you those pixs.


  1. wow and you spent the day in some asian country too... you guys are so rich!


  2. It's amazing how wealthy preachers live! Bill actually covered the cost for the entire trip! Thanks Bill!

  3. You're welcome Steve. However, I am offended since I thought I was the better looking one of the two and here you can't even tell us apart. So, which one is which?

    And yes Heidi we spent the day in a foreign country. I drove to Chelsea, Alabama. :)

    Rich? You bet! Richer than words can express.

    Thanks Steve for the plug, shameless though it may be.

  4. oops forgot to put my URL entry.

  5. Bill...isn't it obvious which is which? You are the one on the right, trying to steal the shot! As always!

    I'm sure my shameless plug will drive at least one or two people to you site...that'll make your counter go crazy! Doubling your normal amount!

  6. Steve,

    You and Bill are rather cute. Oh, BTW - some of us have been reading his site without the shameless plug. But, shhhhhh. Don't tell Bill that. ;)

  7. you gone and done it...How will I ever be able to live with Bill now?

  8. Steve,

    1) We all got our trials to ride.

    2) There's more to life than comfort. Have you ever tried riding a bike for longer than down the street?

    3) Laughter is a must have ingredient.

    4) Count to 10. Okay 20 if that makes you feel better.

    5) With a grain of salt, dash of pepper, and lots and lots of garlic.

  9. What can I say about the scene stealing Steve? I am a glory hog. Or whatever that mask is that we are wearing. Least I hope it is a mask.

    Camey: thanks for the kind words. Sort of offsets Steve's thoughts that I now have two more people reading my blog. He tries to be funny but the jury is out. thanks for stopping by my blog.

    And Steve: you will be glad to know that I am changing the registering thing. I think I am going to go with one of those crazy things you have when people want to make a comment. I may even change the red background. Just for you.

  10. Camey...I love to ride my teenage years, I used to ride 20-30 miles a day! Not much else to do in a very small town. guessed it. Bill and I were on our way to see the X Files that premiered this weekend!

  11. Leave me out of the X-Files my friend! I never watched the TV show and have no desire to watch the movie. now, the X-Men on the other hand... That does sort of make us look like mutants.

  12. Okay, I'm leaving Bill out of this from this point forward...apparently, he has something against the X-Files, and I don't want to make him guilty with my association!

  13. Nothing against the X-Files Steverino. I never watched the TV show so wouldn't have a clue what the movie is about. Sheesh! Touchy touchy!

    Camey: i like you. :)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Cruel Steve...but true. You know, I have to make sure I keep any and all friends.

  16. Don't we all! In our profession, we usually have so few true friends, we'll take anything we can get! See, you've even almost accepted me!

  17. Steve... Bill..

    you two crack me up. Kinda like the egg that hubby made me this morning. little runny, little firm.. and a little crusty around the edges.

    Looking forward to having an incredible day! Hope you are as well.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.