Thursday, July 31, 2008

Life = Risk

Well said!

How many risks have you taken lately? How many risks are you willing to take?

Are you willing "to think outside the box?" To dream the impossible dream?

Do you really have a God-sized dream?

If not, why not? What's stopping you?

Are you afraid?

Fearful that you will fail?

Scared of the risk?

So! Get over it already!

Trust God! Let Him do it through you!

He will!


  1. I liked this video. I used the audio version (me) of this in a sermon just a couple of weeks ago. Wish I had had this. Check out my blog for today (shameless promo) on just about the same subject.

    Is that a mohawk I see on your son?

    God is positioning you for a transition. Care to share?

  2. Hey my friend! check out this link!

    If you can't link it check out Thunderstruck on my site and go to Baseball All-Star's Rise from Ashes You will love the story being the baseball fan you are!

  3. Bill...if you will let me know your future sermon topics, I'll hook you up!

    Mohawk? Well, kind of. He developed cradle's cap a month or two after he was born. And, so he had the reverse balding that I have! He lost the bottom part of his hair not the top! So, when I would comb his hair (for fun and to aggrevate his mother) I'd comb it into a mohawk!

    Looked good on him!

  4. Several risks because I love it when God shakes it all up around here. It would turn into a massive post rather than a comment and then you'd fire me as your online pal and tell me to go get my own blog or something. But every single time we have stepped out in faith God has come through and we have been blessed beyond belief. So "leap" I say... "LEAP"!!!


  5. Heidi...

    My blog is your blog! Comment away...I'd love for you to share a story of how God worked His "magic" in your life...don't worry about the length...I know it will touch someone who reads the blog...maybe even Jimmy!


  6. My grandson also developed cradle cap also. He still had more hair than I do. I like to hear stories also candidchatter. Chatter away. If Steve hadn't let you I would have. (How's that for undermining your site?) :)

    Did you get a chance to check out the baseball link?

  7. Bill...I'm beginning to think you are like a stalker...stealing my posts, commenting on my favorite sites, and now trying to steal away my own commenters!!! Get a grip man!

    Yes, I saw the baseball site. His story is an amazing story! One of the few "feel good" stories out there right now about baseball! Thanks for linking me to it.

  8. oooooo, GodTube. That means you are super spiritual. hahahhhaha

    Seriously, that is an awesome video. When God calls us to do something, why would He call us to do something that we can do on our own? So, if He has something for us to do, it is going to be God-sized.

    And while your son looks good with a mohawk, he doesn't look to thrilled with it. :)

  9. My problem isn't "thinking outside the box" or "being afraid of risks", but instead, (in the case of what I'm thinking of) is being able to motivate a congregation to see their potential. (or perhaps getting THEM to think outside the box)

  10. Plenty of fears in my life right now.

    I love skydiving (will do it for the THIRD time this fall)...

    But I'm possessed by fear of some of the "easier" things in life...

    So yes, you hit a nerve today.

  11. Steve,

    You.. you... you.. and I so agree with Bill.. and look forward to seeing what God is going to do in/with your life! Transition highway...

    I've let go of some recent fears. Others are not simply up to me at this point. I would have already been gone if they were. Submission is not a dirty word to me.

  12. I'm always taking risks. Sometimes I wonder if I take too many.

  13. Oh.. and Steve... I am not in Duncanville. Not sure why it says I am... hmmmmm maybe it knows something we don't yet.

    Laughter is good!

  14. Camey...didn't you know, THEY know where you are!

    The explanation I've seen about how it works is that it works through your server, maybe it is located there? The FAQ also said that if the town is very small (as I know you have said yours is), then they "pick" a nearby town? Could that be it?

  15. Steve,

    That reminds me of a game I play with some teenagers in our lives. I see them places and purposefully do not speak to them or let them know I'm there. Then, I say things like, "I know what you did last night." Makes them think. It could be as simple as seeing them taking things out of the back end of a truck in their own driveway and walking into the house with them.

    Didn't know that about how it works. Thanks, teacher! ;)

    Not close to Duncanville in my opinion.. lol

  16. Can't now b/c of two whiny toddlers with colds. So later today or tonight after they go to bed. I'll tell you about our move to Florida and Rich's job. That's a good one. Warning though -- highly spiritual content that may be controversial to some of your readers. Ok. See ya later.


  17. Don't worry Heidi...they'll either learn from it, discard what you say...or never come back to my blog again.

    It'll be their choice to make.

  18. Oh, Heidi.. I'm definitely interested in hearing about it now!

  19. Oh... Steve... not at the physical church building now. Ft Worth is better! It is The Big City I refer to.

  20. Alright here goes.

    In the winter of 2005, we had a newborn… basically. She was born in September. From the time she was 3 months old we started trying for # 2. I should mention we lived in Ohio. One morning while drying my hair, thinking of drying my hair, a thought came to me out of nowhere. I believe it was a message from the Holy Spirit. It was, “you are not pregnant right now because you will be moving soon… your next baby will be born in Martin Memorial Hospital”. I about dropped the hair dryer. What the??? I went to my husband who was in his office and told him that I really needed to talk to him about something. Thankfully, he is used to this kind of stuff with me. Martin Memorial Hospital is where my husband was born. In Florida. Ha!

    So about 3 days later and a lot of talk and suppressed excitement, he checked for jobs in Florida in his field. Understand that the programming language he uses isn’t all that popular. In fact, the reason we were in Ohio was so he could get his career off the ground. When we left Florida in 2000 there were no jobs in his field. None. That’s a whole story of its own. I don’t want to digress.

    He told me before checking Monster or whatever that he would go no further north than Melbourne and no further south than Fort Lauderdale. His family is in Florida still and we didn’t want to be too far away. We also knew we’d want to be on the east coast of the state. Wouldn’t you know it. He found two jobs… one in Melbourne and one in Ft. Lauderdale. We sat there with our jaws on the floor. Stunned. The excitement grew!

    He applied and, after a few weeks, hopped a plane to Ft. Lauderdale. He got the job on the spot. In fact, his boss called the rest of the interviews he had scheduled and cancelled them all. Rich was “the one”. When he got home the salary negotiations began. Nerves on end, we prayed. I went to Bible study one evening and he stayed home working on his negotiation letter. On the way to the study, I got in my heart a certain number. I could hardly wait to get home hoping he hadn’t e-mailed them yet. It was $12,000 more a year than he was making, but I just knew it was right. I got home and guess what? He had already e-mailed them… the same amount. He said, “it felt right”. Well, they didn’t even bat an eye. He got it.

    Three weeks later we were on our way in a giant moving truck with our little 6 month old daughter to Florida. We settled in with his parents until we got our own place. That lasted 4 months. Right after we moved into our house, I found out I was pregnant.

    Understand something else. The only OB our insurance covered at the time delivered only at Martin Memorial Hospital. We didn’t force any of this to fit into the box. Jeremy was born March 2006 at Martin Memorial Hospital. Vision complete.

    Since our arrival, we have found the most amazing church with the most amazing people. Things keep going well and in such a wonderful direction. I feel a lot of times that God has us in a protective bubble. Not that we don’t have our challenges… we do… but following His lead has landed us in some pretty amazing circumstances.

    So believe that still small voice. I have had some amazing encounters with our amazing God. Some even tangible in a spiritual sense. I can’t go there though. It’s very personal and could cause shock and awe and I don’t need that. Just trust me that when God speaks, if you listen, you will see some awesome things happen. He will provide the way. All you have to do is listen and leap!!

  21. Heidi,

    Thank you for sharing that part of your story! You were just prayed for and given thanks for.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can't wait to read what you have written.